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Effects of Partial Saturation on Nitrogen Removal and Bacterial Community in Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands

Received: 2 July 2021     Accepted: 27 July 2021     Published: 19 October 2021
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The laboratory-scale pilot of constructed wetlands has been in operation for six months; (1) an unsaturated vertical flow constructed wetland (UVF-CW), this system was used to represent the classic vertical constructed wetlands, (2) a saturated vertical flow constructed wetland (SVF-CW), to evaluate the effects of the saturated condition on nitrogen removal and composition of the microbial community. The results showed that the saturation condition positiveley influenced the removal efficiencies of the nitrogen, the aeverage removal rate of the total kjeldahl nitrogen increased from 56% in unsaturated vertical flow constructed wetland (UVF-CW) to 63% in saturated vertical flow constructed wetland (SVF-CW). In addition, the microbial communities also was affected by the saturation condition, the relative abundances of nitrifying bacterium in UVF-CW are 13.8% (Nitrosomonas), 7.2% (Nitrosospira), 18.1% (Nitrospira) and 15.3% (Nitrobacter). In contrast, in SVF-CW, Nitrosomonas, Nitrosospira, Nitrospira and Nitrobacter only accounted for 6.8%, 5.6%, 7.4% and 10.6% respectively. However, the saturation condition seemed to increase denitrifying bacterium more than three times, in unsaturated vertical flow constructed wetland, only Pseudomonas (6.5%) and Paracoccus (4.85%) were detected, but in saturated vertical flow constructed wetland (SVF-CW), the abundance of Pseudomonas (13.08%) and Paracoccus (9.74%) were increased, and three other groups of denitrifying bacteria were also detected as Zoogloea (3.32%), Thauera (5.41%) and Thiobacillus (3%), due to the low availability of oxygen, it seems to be beneficial to denitrifying bacteria.

Published in International Journal of Environmental Chemistry (Volume 5, Issue 2)
DOI 10.11648/j.ijec.20210502.14
Page(s) 38-44
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Science Publishing Group


Constructed Wetlands, Rural Wastewater, Saturated Bed, Nitrogen Transforming Bacteria

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  • APA Style

    Khadija Kraiem, Hamadi Kallali, Rim Werheni Ammeri, Bessadok Salma, Naceur Jedidi. (2021). Effects of Partial Saturation on Nitrogen Removal and Bacterial Community in Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands. International Journal of Environmental Chemistry, 5(2), 38-44. https://doi.org/10.11648/j.ijec.20210502.14

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    ACS Style

    Khadija Kraiem; Hamadi Kallali; Rim Werheni Ammeri; Bessadok Salma; Naceur Jedidi. Effects of Partial Saturation on Nitrogen Removal and Bacterial Community in Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands. Int. J. Environ. Chem. 2021, 5(2), 38-44. doi: 10.11648/j.ijec.20210502.14

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    AMA Style

    Khadija Kraiem, Hamadi Kallali, Rim Werheni Ammeri, Bessadok Salma, Naceur Jedidi. Effects of Partial Saturation on Nitrogen Removal and Bacterial Community in Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands. Int J Environ Chem. 2021;5(2):38-44. doi: 10.11648/j.ijec.20210502.14

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  • @article{10.11648/j.ijec.20210502.14,
      author = {Khadija Kraiem and Hamadi Kallali and Rim Werheni Ammeri and Bessadok Salma and Naceur Jedidi},
      title = {Effects of Partial Saturation on Nitrogen Removal and Bacterial Community in Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands},
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      abstract = {The laboratory-scale pilot of constructed wetlands has been in operation for six months; (1) an unsaturated vertical flow constructed wetland (UVF-CW), this system was used to represent the classic vertical constructed wetlands, (2) a saturated vertical flow constructed wetland (SVF-CW), to evaluate the effects of the saturated condition on nitrogen removal and composition of the microbial community. The results showed that the saturation condition positiveley influenced the removal efficiencies of the nitrogen, the aeverage removal rate of the total kjeldahl nitrogen increased from 56% in unsaturated vertical flow constructed wetland (UVF-CW) to 63% in saturated vertical flow constructed wetland (SVF-CW). In addition, the microbial communities also was affected by the saturation condition, the relative abundances of nitrifying bacterium in UVF-CW are 13.8% (Nitrosomonas), 7.2% (Nitrosospira), 18.1% (Nitrospira) and 15.3% (Nitrobacter). In contrast, in SVF-CW, Nitrosomonas, Nitrosospira, Nitrospira and Nitrobacter only accounted for 6.8%, 5.6%, 7.4% and 10.6% respectively. However, the saturation condition seemed to increase denitrifying bacterium more than three times, in unsaturated vertical flow constructed wetland, only Pseudomonas (6.5%) and Paracoccus (4.85%) were detected, but in saturated vertical flow constructed wetland (SVF-CW), the abundance of Pseudomonas (13.08%) and Paracoccus (9.74%) were increased, and three other groups of denitrifying bacteria were also detected as Zoogloea (3.32%), Thauera (5.41%) and Thiobacillus (3%), due to the low availability of oxygen, it seems to be beneficial to denitrifying bacteria.},
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  • TY  - JOUR
    T1  - Effects of Partial Saturation on Nitrogen Removal and Bacterial Community in Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands
    AU  - Khadija Kraiem
    AU  - Hamadi Kallali
    AU  - Rim Werheni Ammeri
    AU  - Bessadok Salma
    AU  - Naceur Jedidi
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    PY  - 2021
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    AB  - The laboratory-scale pilot of constructed wetlands has been in operation for six months; (1) an unsaturated vertical flow constructed wetland (UVF-CW), this system was used to represent the classic vertical constructed wetlands, (2) a saturated vertical flow constructed wetland (SVF-CW), to evaluate the effects of the saturated condition on nitrogen removal and composition of the microbial community. The results showed that the saturation condition positiveley influenced the removal efficiencies of the nitrogen, the aeverage removal rate of the total kjeldahl nitrogen increased from 56% in unsaturated vertical flow constructed wetland (UVF-CW) to 63% in saturated vertical flow constructed wetland (SVF-CW). In addition, the microbial communities also was affected by the saturation condition, the relative abundances of nitrifying bacterium in UVF-CW are 13.8% (Nitrosomonas), 7.2% (Nitrosospira), 18.1% (Nitrospira) and 15.3% (Nitrobacter). In contrast, in SVF-CW, Nitrosomonas, Nitrosospira, Nitrospira and Nitrobacter only accounted for 6.8%, 5.6%, 7.4% and 10.6% respectively. However, the saturation condition seemed to increase denitrifying bacterium more than three times, in unsaturated vertical flow constructed wetland, only Pseudomonas (6.5%) and Paracoccus (4.85%) were detected, but in saturated vertical flow constructed wetland (SVF-CW), the abundance of Pseudomonas (13.08%) and Paracoccus (9.74%) were increased, and three other groups of denitrifying bacteria were also detected as Zoogloea (3.32%), Thauera (5.41%) and Thiobacillus (3%), due to the low availability of oxygen, it seems to be beneficial to denitrifying bacteria.
    VL  - 5
    IS  - 2
    ER  - 

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Author Information
  • Effluent Treatment and Valorization Laboratory, Water Research and Technology Center, Nabeul, Tunisia

  • Effluent Treatment and Valorization Laboratory, Water Research and Technology Center, Nabeul, Tunisia

  • Effluent Treatment and Valorization Laboratory, Water Research and Technology Center, Nabeul, Tunisia

  • Laboratory of Microorganisms and Active Biomolecules, Faculty of Sciences, University El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia

  • Effluent Treatment and Valorization Laboratory, Water Research and Technology Center, Nabeul, Tunisia

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